Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Air Conditioner is noisy Help me stop it


Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 7
Trane XE1000 Condenser Noise Level

I have a 10 year old rane XE1000 which is very noisy. It works just fine, but it has progressevly gotten noiser.

Anyone know what the db decible noise level of this unit is? I looked through my manual and it does not say.

I like to know what the db is since I am shopping for another condenser and want to compare.

Thank you,

mike n mike n is online now

Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 230
I am sure somewhere in the technical data you may find the noise levels although I have not seen but maybe that is because I haven't looked. First let us deal with what you have there are many reasons why an outdoor unit might be noisy.
Bad bearings or loose components on a condensor fan, liquid refrigerant flooding back into a compressor, outdoor coil dirty causing both condensor and fan to overwork.
Put in a new filter, clean your coils and lubricate and tighten your condensor fan motor and blade (if it can be lubricated).
Restart the system and see if it is any quieter and know if you do purchase new equipment anything you get is going to be alot quieter than what you have and the more you spend on efficiency the more the manufacturers are willing to do concerning noise reduction and warranty improvement.

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